the best seats soon fill up 意味

  • いちばんいい席はすぐにふさがる.


        fill up almost as soon as registration opens:    登録開始{とうろく かいし}とほとんど同時{どうじ}に満員{まんいん}になる
        go early to get the best seats:    早くから行っていい席を取る
        fill (up):    fill (up) 充填 じゅうてん
        fill it up:    ガソリンを満タンにする
        fill up:    {句動-1} : (穴?すき間?空所を)満たす、充てんする、ぎっしり詰める、いっぱいにする、(車を)満タンにする、(池を)埋める、(食欲を)満たす At this rate, our landfills will be filled up in no time. この調子でいくと埋め立て地はすぐに満杯になってしまう。 Check the oil and fill the tank up, wo
        fill up with:    ~でいっぱいになる、~で食欲を満たす
        fill-up:    {名} : 満タンにすること
        to fill up:    to fill up 埋め立てる うめたてる 盛る もる 塞ぐ 壅ぐ ふさぐ 埋める うめる
        up there with the best:    最優秀の人たちと並んで上位に
        as soon as it clears up:    天気{てんき}になり次第{しだい}
        as soon as one gets up:    起き抜けに
        soon as it clears up:    
        soon as one gets up:    
        fill it up at the gas station:    スタンドでガソリンを満タンに入れる
        fill it up with gas:    ガソリンを入れる[満タンにする]


  1. "the best quality properties" 意味
  2. "the best receivers in the league" 意味
  3. "the best results may be hoped for by…" 意味
  4. "the best safeguard against accidents and loss of time" 意味
  5. "the best sales in years" 意味
  6. "the best society of london" 意味
  7. "the best students are able, with an imaginative leap, to solve problems they have never met before" 意味
  8. "the best students no longer go into teaching" 意味
  9. "the best students were skimmed off from leading universities" 意味
  10. "the best safeguard against accidents and loss of time" 意味
  11. "the best sales in years" 意味
  12. "the best society of london" 意味
  13. "the best students are able, with an imaginative leap, to solve problems they have never met before" 意味

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